One concern that sits in the back of many women’s minds is “Will I regret giving my baby up for adoption?”
Inspirational Adoption Stories for Birth Parents
Learn more about the selfless journey of adoption with three inspirational adoption stories from birth parents who have been in your shoes.
How Alex and Matt Knew American Adoptions Was their Path to Parenthood
Alex and Matt adopted their son through American Adoptions in 2020. Now, adoptive mom Alex looks back on their adoption story and shares their experience with American Adoptions.

In early May …
Change of Plans: One Birth Mother’s Adoption and Reunion Story
It was the spring of 1986, and 18-year-old Marda had her life all mapped out. But then life happened, and those plans started to crumble.
‘We Wouldn’t Change a Thing’: Jill’s Christmas Adoption Story
Adoptive mom Jill looks back on the Christmas that changed her family forever — when their daughter came early and they spent their holidays in the NICU with their newborn.
Love, Loss and Hope: Adoptive Mom Jen’s Story
Adoptive mother Jen shares her story of love and loss — and how American Adoptions helped her husband become a dad before his tragic passing.
‘Meant to Be’: Lorri’s Adoption Story
Lori Antosz Benson, birth mother, shares her adoption placement and reunion story.
‘Something I Am Proud Of’ — A Birth Mother’s Story
When birth mom Erika reached out to tell her story, we were honored to share it on our blog. With Mother’s Day still on our minds, we urge everyone to read her story.