What can you do to support the foster care community during National Foster Care Month and throughout the year? These ten ideas are a great place to start.
3 Important Things We Learned About Adoption in This Week’s “This is Us”
In true fashion, our favorite adoption-themed TV show went out with an emotional bang for its midseason finale — and dropped a few lessons about adoption along the way.
May is National Foster Care Month
American Adoptions specializes in private domestic adoption, but supports family-building in all forms! May is National Foster Care Month. Learn how to help children in foster care here:
Watch “A Home for the Holidays” Special on CBS
Watch “Home for the Holidays” Tonight!
Tune in tonight, December 19th at 9 p.m. ET to catch the 16th Annual “A Home for the Holidays” TV special on CBS! The special features uplifting stories about families who have adopted from foster care in order to raise awareness of this important social issue, as well …
Supporting Sibling Connections in Foster Care
For AdoptUsKids and Child Welfare Information Gateway, National Adoption Month is a special opportunity to raise awareness for more than 100,000 children in the U.S. foster care …