Podcasts are a great way to hear a variety of voices from the adoption community to continue to enhance our knowledge and understanding of adoption from all sides of the adoption triad.
Getting Through the Holidays While Waiting for Adoption
The holiday season can bring festive lights, delicious food, and special time with family. It can also put you in conversations with extended family or friends that might be uncomfortable around the topic of “when you will add a child to your family.”
9 Ways to Celebrate National Adoption Month With Your Child
National Adoption Month 2024 is a wonderful time to celebrate your family’s unique journey. This special month is dedicated to raising awareness about adoption and honoring each family’s story.
As an adoptive family, you have a powerful opportunity to show your child how cherished they …
What Are You Doing to Celebrate National Adoption Awareness Month?
November is National Adoption Awareness Month (NAAM). What will you do to celebrate?
Things to Do During the Adoption Wait
This blog was written by Allison Olson. Being both an adoptee and an adoptive parent, Allison Olson has a unique perspective on the topic of adoption. She is an award-winning children’s adoption book author and her goal is to change the adoption narrative from …
Are You Ready to Move from Infertility to Adoption?
It’s estimated that 1 in 6 couples get diagnosed with infertility every year and that more than 7 million American women are affected by infertility issues. Many of these couples experience successful fertility treatments, while others pursue medical intervention without success before turning to adoption. Still others know …
Can I Choose the Baby I Want to Adopt?
If you pursue adoption, you do not get to choose the baby. A birth mother will always be able to choose the family for her baby.
Although you do not choose what baby you adopt, you can specify what you are looking for in an …
Do Adoptive Parents Get Maternity Leave?
Do adoptive parents get maternity leave? Find out about your adoption leave rights with our guide.