We all know Mother’s Day is this Sunday, but did you know that Birth Mother’s Day is also this weekend?
Every year Birth Mother’s Day is observed on the Saturday before Mother’s Day – May 9 this year. This is a special day set aside to honor the women who have placed their children in the arms of adoptive parents. Birth Mother’s Day is becoming more celebrated each year, but many birth mothers don’t know that such a day exists!
Mother’s Day is a wonderful day for adoptive mothers, but for birth mothers it can be a difficult as she sees mothers around her celebrated. Just like with any other grief process, anniversaries and holidays can bring (sometimes painful) thoughts of the adoption to a birth mother’s mind. Some birth mothers find that this time of reflection or grief hits them hardest on the child’s birthday, others feel it during the holiday season, and some feel it around Mother’s Day. This is why we celebrate Birth Mother’s Day: to remind birth mothers how amazing they are for making an incredibly difficult decision.
If you have an ongoing relationship with your child’s birth mother (even if just through pictures and letters), think about sending her a Birth Mother’s Day card. Write a special message letting her know you are thinking of her on this special day, and tell her how grateful you are for the sacrifice she made. To help you honor your child’s birth mother this year we’ve made a printable Birth Mother’s Day card you can personalize with a special message.
The following links are full of information for women, no matter where they are in their adoption journey:
• For birth moms: Birth Mother’s Day! & How to Celebrate It!
• For adoptive moms: Tips for Sending Pictures and Letter to Birth Mothers
• For waiting adoptive moms: How to Stay Upbeat This Mother’s Day
• For all moms: A Great Keepsake for Adoptive Mothers and Birth Mothers Alike
Thank you for letting us share in your adoption journeys, and enjoy this holiday weekend!
Some people have different viewpoints and feel that Birth Mother’s Day does the exact opposite of what it was created to do. Some think that a birth mother should be recognized and celebrated on Mother’s Day, and there should not be a differentiation because an adopted child has two mothers with different roles. Whatever your specific beliefs or relationships are, we encourage you to take time to reflect on, celebrate and honor both mothers’ irreplaceable roles in your child’s life!