Each year, the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption invites companies to apply for recognition as an adoption-friendly workplace. The 2013 winners were announced this week. The list recognizes the top 100 companies with the best adoption benefits available to their employees in the United States. In addition to this list, the Foundation has developed other detailed lists of this year’s best in the nation by industry and size.
Rankings are based on the maximum amount of financial reimbursement and paid leave for employees who adopt.
America’s Top 10 for 2013
1. The Wendy’s Company
2. Ferring Pharmaceuticals
3. Citizens Financial Group, Inc./RBS America
4. HanesBrands
5. Barilla America, Inc.
6. Liquidnet Holdings, Inc. (tie)
6. LSI Corporation (tie)
6. UBM (tie)
9. Cambridge Family and Children’s Service
10. Boston Scientific
To register for the list, complete DTFA’s adoption benefits survey during the call for entries time period. To propose or establish adoption benefits, order a free toolkit.
For more information about employer-provided adoption benefits, visit our website.