The first few weeks of the 2024 school season are in the books, and now is a great time to share pictures and videos with your child’s birth parents. By sharing meaningful open adoption updates, you can ensure that birth parents continue to feel included in your child’s life.

When you take the time to share special moments like a picture of their first day of school, new accomplishments or a simple letter about classroom excitement, you create lasting memories that reinforce the openness of your adoption relationship. In this article, we’ll explore several heartfelt ideas for back-to-school open adoption updates that can help keep the connection strong, along with ways to make these updates easy and impactful.

To learn more about open adoption, check out this article. If you’re considering adoption or have any questions, you can always contact us online now. We’re always here to help.

3 Meaningful Back-to-School Open Adoption Updates

1. The Classic “First Day of School” Picture

There’s something timeless about capturing the excitement of a child’s first day of school. Whether they’re starting kindergarten or heading into their senior year, sharing this milestone with your child’s birth parents can mean the world to them.

A simple snapshot of your child in their new outfit, holding a sign with their grade or even a candid shot of them walking to the bus stop can be a great share. It’s a beautiful way to include birth parents in these important moments, helping them feel connected to your child’s growth and achievements.

2. Celebrating New Accomplishments

As children head back to school, they often reach new milestones and accomplish things that make them (and you!) proud. Whether it’s mastering a new skill, joining a club or excelling in a subject they struggled with before, these updates can be powerful to share.

Consider sending a quick email or text with an update or even a video of your child talking about their recent accomplishments. These moments are not only a way to celebrate your child’s successes but also an opportunity to strengthen the bond with their birth parents by sharing in their pride.

3. A Heartfelt Letter about Classroom Excitement

The start of a new school year is full of anticipation and excitement. Writing a letter on behalf of your child—or encouraging your child to write one themselves—about what they’re most looking forward to in their new classroom is a heartfelt way to share this special time.

Whether it’s meeting new friends, a favorite subject or just the thrill of a new beginning, a letter can express your child’s emotions and excitement in a personal and meaningful way. Birth parents will appreciate the effort to keep them involved and may even write back with words of encouragement.

How to Keep Your Open Adoption Connection Strong

Maintaining a connection with your child’s birth parents is essential in an open adoption. These back-to-school open adoption updates are a small but significant way to honor that relationship.

As you prepare your child for another year of learning and growth, take a moment to share these special milestones with the people who love them unconditionally.


Back-to-school season is a time of excitement and growth for your child, and it’s also a perfect opportunity to include the birth parents in this important milestone. By sharing open adoption updates like first day of school photos and celebrating accomplishments, you can keep birth parents connected to your child’s life in meaningful ways.

These small gestures can have a big impact that benefits everyone in the adoption triad. If you need more ideas or support in navigating your open adoption, don’t hesitate to reach out to your adoption specialist. Every update you share is a step toward creating a bond that makes your open adoption truly unique.