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13 Places to Find the Latest Adoption News

Whether you’re considering adoption or have already completed the process, you probably know how important accurate adoption information is. Not only does it help you make your decision on adoption in the first place, but keeping informed about current laws, statistics and general information about adoption will make your adoption process and postadoption adjustment that much easier.

So, what’s the best way to keep informed?

Reading domestic adoption articles about current trends and adoption news is a great way to start. And, by coming to, you’ve already found a great source. On our website, we offer detailed, thoroughly researched adoption articles for parents — both adoptive and birth. We know how important having the right information is, so we’re always here to help. You can even view articles about adoption stories from our former families, too.

We also know how important it is to read adoption newspaper articles and blogs from other outlets. There are a lot of sources to help you keep up-to-date on recent adoption news. Here are a few we recommend:

  1. American Adoptions Blog: While the American Adoptions website is a great resource for information on the adoption process and different kinds of adoption, our blog is a regularly updated source of information on some of the most recent adoption news, whether it’s released studies, events or general knowledge about adoption. We also post helpful adoption articles for birth parents, adoptive parents and adoptees.
  1. American Adoptions Newsletter: Our bimonthly newsletter delivers the latest adoption news and important domestic adoption articles directly to your inbox for an easy way to find out what’s new in the world of adoption.
  1. Considering Adoption: This website offers advice and knowledge for private domestic adoption, foster care adoption and international adoption. Check out the blog for up-to-date adoption news and informative adoption articles.
  1. Adoptive Families Magazine: You can either read the latest adoption news on the Adoptive Families website or subscribe to the print magazine.
  1. In addition to its resources on the adoption process, publishes the latest adoption news for adoptive families, birth parents and adoptees.
  1. The Donaldson Adoption Institute: This website monitors and shares development in adoption and foster care policy research and resources, as well as other adoption news.
  1. Huff Post — Adoption: Not only does the Huffington Post cover adoption news regarding laws and regulations, but it also curates helpful adoption articles of personal stories, tips and general parenting advice.
  1. The New York Times — Adoption: For longer in-depth coverage of personal articles about adoption stories and adoption news around the world, check out the New York Times adoption section.
  1. The Guardian — Adoption: From pop culture to opinion pieces, the Guardian collects the most recent adoption news from around the globe.
  1. U.S. New & World Report — Adoption: Like the Huffington Post and the Guardian, U.S. News has a webpage focused solely on adoption news and topics (although it’s not as frequently updated).
  1. The Associated Press — Adoption: The AP publishes well-researched adoption articles in magazines and newspapers around the world, highlighting both international and domestic adoption.
  1. The Independent — Adoption: While it’s a U.K.-based publication, The Independent offers many informative adoption news articles and stories to check out.
  1. BBC News — Adoption: Another U.K.-based publication, BBC News is a respected source that frequently shares child adoption articles and stories for its readers.

In addition to these sources, you should also keep an eye out for adoption news from other general news outlets, blogs and social media. For example, if you’re considering international adoption, the U.S. Department of State should be your first source. Here, you can find the information you need to know about changing international adoption laws.

Don’t forget that your adoption specialist at American Adoptions can always provide you extra resources for adoption news and helpful adoption articles. To learn more about how we can help you with your adoption, please request free information online anytime.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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